June 2014
May 2014
April 2014
March 2014
February 2014
January 2014
December 2013
November 2013
October 2013
September 2013

June 2014
May 2014
April 2014
March 2014
February 2014
January 2014
December 2013
November 2013
October 2013
September 2013
So, baseball season is well underway for Niklas. He's playing on the seven year old Dodgers this year. They've only gotten severely crushed
once so far, so that's pretty good. Meanwhile, Zoe has started her dance class. Her crew hasn't been involved in any dance battles, so no
crushing there.
Today was nice enough for some bike riding and playgrounding, so that's what we did. After the worst January, worst February, worst March and
worst April weather I can recall, it's nice to have only the second or third worst May weather this month.
Enough jibba jabba, though; here are a bunch of new pictures like this one:

So, today at the playground, Zoe was playing with a boy her age. They were running around in circles and generally monkeying it up for a
while, so my attention wandered to other things like "is that the same bird I saw earlier?" and "I think the ginger ale at the
coffee shop is just Coke and Sprite mixed together; how can I prove it?" After a while, I heard some high pitched wailing and looked over to
see the little boy sprawled out on the ground, crying, while Zoe stood over him. I looked at Zoe questioningly. She shrugged her shoulders
and ran off.
There are a few new pictures up here. I actually loaded them yesterday, but failed to do anything to make them
show up. Quality!
So, yesterday was a busy one for Niklas and Zoe. Niklas had a field trip to the Nature Museum where he saw a tarantula and a box turtle
and presumably a bunch of other stuff though he only mentioned those first two. After school, he played with his friend Holt at the
playground for an hour or so. They did a bunch of running about and traded some Pokemon cards. Pokemon are the new Beyblades for Niklas's
peer group, apparently.
Zoe had school yesterday. I assume that went well, but Zoe is never forthcoming with information about her school day. "What did you do
at school today, Zoe?" "Don't remember." This, despite the fact that she can remember just about all of the words from any given episode of
Bob's Burgers.
Today, Zoe and I hung around the house all day while we were having a new air conditioner installed. Zoe was pretty good with the whole deal
despite the fact that she was cut off from her room and the kitchen by air conditioner parts. We watched a lot of TV and played some games
and generally laid low, so that was nice.
So, Niklas had baseball practice yesterday. That went pretty well for him, as is per usual. What's not so great is that baseball practice
runs from six to seven, Zoe's usual bedtime is 6:30 and Andrya was in Cleveland. I think you can see where this is going. (It's going to
Not In Bed Soon Enough To Avoid A Meltdown Town, which is a terrible place to visit.)
Today, Zoe and I did a bunch of stuff. We went to the Target, which isn't terribly exciting but is popular enough with Zoe followed by a trip
to the playground where Zoe played on the swings, the slide and the monkey bars and also beat a grown woman running a lap around a 300m track.
Having burned off suitable amounts of energy, we went to Zoe's dance class which apparently went well. I'm not in the room with her for the
class, but I didn't hear any yelling from my seat in the hallway, so success.
So, today, we took the kids over to Jared and Dana's (and Aaron and Zack's) for a cookout. There was much yelling, but most of it was good
natured so there was that. I'm not sure what Niklas and Aaron were up to, but Zoe spent most of her time trying to figure out what it was
while Zack pretended to be a robot.
This evening, Andrya crashed out early as listening to children yell is exhausting. I agreed to let Niklas stay up as long as he wanted as
long as he was cleaning, which seemed like a good idea to hour and a half ago Jay, but real time Jay is super tired and no amount of clean
house will make up for that. Morning Jay will probably break the tie in favor of the whole deal, but who wants to hear what that guy has to
say. Anyway, contact Niklas for all of your evening cleaning needs.
So, it was a bit of a busy week. Tuesday, Zoe and I made the always fun trip to the doctor as Zoe has had a cough for the last three weeks
or so, not that it's slowed her down at all. Per the doctor, it's nothing serious, just a cough that apparently lasts forever. I have the same
affliction myself, though it's done a much better job of slowing me down.
On Wednesday, Zoe and I hit the zoo. Our primary goal (successful, by the way) was to see the statues of hippopotamai which are located right next to the actual
hippopotamus, which is apparently less of a draw. Must do number two according to Zoe is a trip to the food court for a giant cookie, so
we knocked that out as well. We also managed to see a bunch of animals.
Grandma and Papa Meeker came up Thursday evening, so Zoe was able to squeeze in some playing time with Grandma and Niklas got to show
Papa his baseball skills. Grandma and Papa stuck around on Friday to watch the kids while Andrya and I were at the PwC offices for
Andrya's promotion celebration. Zoe got a trip to the playground and McDonald's out of the deal while
Niklas taught Papa how to play Pokemon after school.
Today, Niklas had a baseball game which featured much better hitting on his part and whatever the opposite of that is defensively. You don't
glove your way off the island, though, so we'll take that trade. Zoe spent the day hanging out with mommy, which is pretty much her favorite
thing. She also avoided a nap, which I guess would be her second favorite thing, then.
There are a couple of new pictures up here.
