2013-12-11: So, here are some pictures.

Here's Niklas with an awesome hat that Andrya helped him make.

Shockingly, Zoe did not run about like a crazy person shouting "gobble! gobble!" She just did the first thing.

Here's Niklas waiting patiently to see Santa Claus.

This is Niklas somewhat later with a touch of line madness.

Santa didn't really follow up on Zoe's claim of being good, which is probably for the best.

Swimming is serious business for Zoe C.

Who's good at putting pictures in a reasonable order and sizing them properly? If you know someone like that, put them in touch with me.

This is Zoe's Star of the Week poster. It features pictures of Zoe.

This gentlemen is putting his dentist's kids through college.

Zoe likes to practice for any number of larcenous scenarios.

I don't really know what this is.

Here's a really bad picture of Niklas checking out the Santa Train.

The kids got a bit of loot on St. Nicholas Day.

Here's Josh and I in Pittsburgh. I accidently included this in the upload and I can't be bothered to delete it now. You might argue that
continuing to type about it is much more work than deleting it would have been, to which I would reply with obscenity laden insults and
veiled threats, so let's not go down that road.
