2013-11-17: Slaaaaaaaaaaaaack. That's what I've been up to. Luckily, Andrya and Grandma Meeker
have both take a bunch of pictures. Unluckily for you, I've only managed to include one of those here. Back on the plus side, though,
it features a camel.

Even with terrifying fangs, Zoe brings the cute.

Niklas shifted into Christmas mode pretty much as soon as he took his Halloween costume off.

It appears that Zoe has learned that game were somebody looks at your finger circle thing and then you punch them.

After watching The Great Pumpkin about a thousand times, the kids were all about bobbing for apples.

They were both pretty awful at it, but we had fun and made a fairly impressive mess.

Lego Niklas is ready for the Lego movie.

Zoe could power a small city with the electricity in her hair.

Here are Andrya and Zoe riding a camel. I have nothing further to report.
