2014-02-16: The neighbor's Christmas lights are still up, so these Christmas-era pictures are
still timely. Timely, I say! **Note that I've moved the Christmas stuff to the previously non-existent January page. I'd further like
to add that today, May 19, I saw a Christmas tree in the alley, so lets just say those pictures were posted a full three months early, not
two month too late. Anyway, here's a bit of the non-Christmas stuff, as one would expect in a February update.**

I'm pretty sure that the kids would consider a trip to the theater to just get popcorn, candy and lemonade a success without the movie.

They both thought the Lego Movie was pretty awesome, though, so I'm glad we stuck around to watch it.

I think these are red nosed reindeer, so I guess what I said earlier about this post being non-Christmas stuff was a lie.

This is Niklas's color coordinated group for the song his class sung about colors. They sung it in Mandarin, which is pretty impressive.

This is Niklas's serious face.

So is this.

And this.

I mean, he used to smile for pictures.

You can't see his face in his Iron Man mask, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume he's not smiling.

Hey, there's one!

Here's Zoe celebrating being able to climb the hill on pump it up's obstacle course.

This is a game that involves stomping on things, so Zoe loves that.

At least the Niklas dog is low in fat.

Niklas wants to start a riot. For justice.

Zoe plans on telling people what she thinks of them. For justice and many other reasons.

Niklas is enthralled by history; Zoe is not as impressed.

Here's a postcard the kids made at the Chicago History Museum.

Niklas is ready for some plundering.



These were more popular than candy at the Chalk Valentine's Day party.

Here's Zoe looking good after emerging victorious in a game of Dazzling Princess.
