2014-01-31: So here are some Christmas related pictures that I definitely posted on January 31 and
not the middle of May, I assure you.

Here are the kids opening some presents, possibly from Josh. It's not May.

Here's Andrya showing Niklas and Zoe how it's done. "It" in this case means scootering.

Zoe shows off some braids, curtesy of Dana.

There are remarkably few holes in the hallway walls.

This is Niklas's scootering face.

Here's Josh helping Zoe with the bowling dinosaur. You heard me.

It's possible that Niklas is trying to pick Josh and Zoe up here. If he was, I don't remember it succeeding.

Here's Zoe showing the boys at t-ball how to hit.

This is the hat Niklas wore to church on Christmas Eve, as he is a classy gentlemen who takes pride in his finery.

Boxes make a great gift.

Here's Niklas playing with the video game/action figure/license to print money combination that is Skylanders.

It's just not a Christmas Tree without an Iron Patriot ornament.

Here are Andrya and the kids at the PwC children's holiday party.

Niklas and Zoe work intently on something moments before Zoe decides that working intently is for suckers.

If you want to be a world class dreidel hustler (as I'm sure Zoe does), you've got to do your sticker based research.

Here's Niklas showing off a snow man tattoo.

And here he is doing an impression of a creature I would be terrified to find under my bed.

This is a picture of a picture of Niklas and Andrya at take your kid to work day from last summer.

Here are Zoe and Andrya at the Little Goat Cafe.

Niklas has apparently had his political speech censored by the Little Goat.

Here's Niklas with his post-Christmas haul of Skylanders.

My efforts to get these guys to pose as the actual Alma Mater statue were unsuccessful.

This is Zoe's "I've been in the car for two hours" dance.

This is Niklas either yelling at the echo plaque or maybe just yelling.

Here's Andrya showing the kids the high bar she set for academics with her bronze tablet.

Grandpap Vennard introduced Zoe to this nut smasher, which she thought was the absolute best.

Here are the kids racing for the title of Grand Champion of the Universe.

This is a story by Niklas. It's a horror story if you're made of Gingerbread.

This is just a good look.

As is this.

Here's Zoe competing in the 1982 Chicago Marathon.

I've actually had hot dogs that taste like boots before.

Zoe sends greetings from Chicago.

This is some quality hat wearing, right here.
