2014-09-07: So here are a summer's worth of pictures. Luckily, I didn't take that many pictures
this summer, so it won't take you long to go through them.

Here's a leftover picture from first grade, so I guess there are some noisy/crazy people in this shot.

Keep it down, you guys.

Here we are on an out of school trip to the zoo. Note that Zoe looks happier than Niklas even though she went to school all summer.

Niklas and Zoe joined seemingly every other child in Chicago on a trip through this climby thing at the zoo.

Zoe insisted on a new picture of her and Snuggles for her star of the week poster.

This is Zoe's star of the week poster including a new picture of her and Snuggles.

So, on Zoe's birthday, we went to the beach. This is what children think is fun, apparently.

Fun fact: Zoe spent most of the trip shaking/denying that she was cold on account of how it was like 60 degrees out.

Here's Niklas making a Zoe at the beach/roaring dinosaur face at the Field Museum.

That's a dinosaur behind us. You'll just have to take my word on that one.

Zoe has mastered sliding down the fireman's poles at the playground which is good as it replaces here previous "jump off stuff"
method of descent.

Here's Zoe with her birthday loot. Is this the only picture of Zoe's party I got? I'm the worst.

This is Niklas with maybe a third of the Legos we put together this summer.

This was down in Smithton. I'm happy to say that when the merry-go-round ended up covered with puke later on, my children weren't

Here's Andrya holding her cousin's son Carson while Niklas strikes a Forrest Gump pose in the background.

I guess this is the point where the family reunion transitioned into a rave.


Here are Zoe and I at the City Museuem in St. Louis. I didn't get any other pictures there as I had to give my phone to
Andrya so it didn't get smashed while I was climbing with the kids through tunnels and whatnot which should have required Confined Space

Our trip to St. Louis finally caught up with Zoe when we got home.

Zoe is all about cake pops. It's a small piece of cake on a stick, but it's a draw.

Here's Zoe celebrating the 4th of July with bubbles. I prefer my bubbles in beer, but that's just me.

So they recently redid a playground by Niklas's science camp, so after dropping him off in the morning, Zoe and I would
hit that.

Here's Zoe playing while I plot how I can get her to agree that I should sit down.

As is her tradition, Zoe's eating sweet potato fries at the tast of Chicago. In a non-traditional move, she waited until they were offered to her.

Every once in a while, Zoe will insist that I take her picture for no reason, so here's this.

This, too.

Zoe's love of climbing things is surpassed, I think, by her love of jumping off of them.

I'm pretty sure that's Niklas under that deluge.

This is definitely Zoe. Some genius told her she could walk in the fountain with her street clothes on. Did she fall down
and get soaked? Of course she did.

Here's a lightsabre popsicle battle royale which took place in the bathroom on account of how that was the darkest room in the

Zoe's in the lead here, but I think she's been lapped a couple of times at this point.

These ladies show off the first and second place Disney Princess game tiaras. Not pictured: my third place tiara.

Hot dog brawl!

So here are these guys on their way to the 1893 World's Fair, I think.

And here they are conducting a train to Elgin. I don't know why you'd want to go to Elgin, but here we are.

Here's Zoe telling me to hurry my butt up.

I like being able to pass book reading duties off to Niklas.

Here's Niklas with his good haircut with replaced his bad haircut from the recently fired hair cutting place.

Zoe insists that this projection at the grocery store means she has to dance. Who am I to object?

Here are Niklas and Zoe with a Skylander generously provided by some chip company. Thanks, Chippos!

These guys love golf. They certainly didn't get that from me.

This is the only picture I took over the four days we were in Wisconsin Dells. I really wanted to commermorate the children
behaving themselves, as brief of a moment as it was.

Zoe felt that my arms featured insufficient numbers of stickers.

Here's Zoe in a tree.

Here's Zoe in the same tree, several seconds later.

Here's Niklas enjoying on of the final days of summer vacation from high above Chicago.

This is the point in the summer where I pretty much give up.

Bucket on your head? Why not! When you're done we'll grab some candy for lunch and run around in the sun without sunblock.
2014-06-12: This is currently Niklas's favorite joke:
Knock Knock
Who's There?
Time Machine
Time Machine Who?
Time Machine
Time Machine Who?

Here's Niklas in his 80s Day pants (and also shirt, but really, the pants). Zoe is unimpressed.

Nobody likes riding on the bus like Zoe.

I'm not quite sure what this face is about.

Here's some more 80s Day action.

Just a classic look. He's bringing it back!

Here's Zoe with a bunch of her school friends at a birthday party.

Who has a better smile than Zoe? Not these fools, that's for sure.

Here's Niklas on "Don't Dress Like A Schlub" Day.

This is Niklas reciting a poem about the rainforest that was, if nothing else, quite long.
2014-06-02: This month is off to a rousing start with four, FOUR new pictures. Four!

Here's Zoe training for her career as a burgler uses monkey bars to access high value merchandise.

Niklas enjoys some low riding, mostly cause some lazy jerk hasn't raised his seat to account for his winter growth spurt.

Zoe hasn't even been to San Francisco.

So here are these guys. They look good!
